Welcome to Maws Paws Dog Training 

Here to help you create a happy well rounded member of the family!

At Maws Paws we use kind & up to date methods to help train you and your dog. Whether it's 1-1 Training, Group Classes or Workshops, I pride myself on creating a fun and safe environment. 

Our sessions can be used for puppies, new rescues or to help teach old dogs new tricks, there is no age limit!

We are based in Sale (M33 area) in south Manchester, but also cover surrounding areas. 

Get in touch to find out how I can help you build a life long bond with your dog!

Here to help guide you through your dog training journey! 

I offer a free consultation call to discuss your needs and make sure I am the right trainer for you.


Puppy Training

Begin your journey with Maws Paws  Puppy Training!

- Puppy 1-1 Packages 
- Puppy Class 
- Puppy Socialisation & Confidence Sessions 

Dog Training


Our one-off workshops are perfect to get a boost with your training!

- Loose Lead 
- Recall 
- Tricks 
- Kids & Dogs 
- Kids Around Dogs School Talks